Friday, July 24, 2009

New Bowlers: Check Out These Tips!

So, you, my very adventurous fun loving friend, has decided to enter the wonderful world of bowling... And look at you checking out these tips so you can show up your friends... I'm already proud.

First of all, you should choose the right weight of the bowling ball for you. The weight should be 1/10 of your total weight. For example, if you weigh 110 pounds, your bowling ball should weigh 11 pounds.

Second is the proper fitting of the ball. The thumb of your throwing thumb should fit perfectly into the hole and can rotate with only a slight friction, and lay your middle two fingers over the other holes. Your second joint should be a quarter of an inch near the edge of the holes. Since proper grip is essential, make it a point to check your grip to get used to the feeling of the bowling ball in your grip.

The third tip is use wrist support. If you are just a first timer, you will find the ball heavy. Wrist support can be very helpful if you do not have the strength to hold the ball in the proper position through the swing.

The fourth tip is to look at your approach. These 3 approaches are: the five step approach, the three step approach, and one or two approach.

The fifth tip: do not over swing the ball. Just let the ball swing naturally and let roll.

Sixth tip: arch the ball above the waist. To make sure you maintain relaxed ball placement, you should hold the ball a little above the waistline while placing it into the slight upward sweep.

Seventh tip: granny style is not really a style and kind of embarrassing.

Eighth tip: use open hand/ spread forefinger and/or pinkie finger. By adopting this compromise you will strengthen your grip and release.

Ninth tip: Even though this doesn't score any extra points... it will with your friends... make sure you rehearse your strike dance. Now, don't go too far, just a modest air guitar solo as if you were playing to a screaming crowd of 10,000 people complete with knee slide, should do just fine.

Tenth tip: targeting. Looking closer could help with making the ball react sooner just like looking farther down the lane can aid in controlling the hook on the back end of the lane.

The last tip of the bowling tips: lane adjustments: adjusting to lane conditions is important to all bowlers. If your ball hooks left, then move to the left. If it hooks to the right, then move to your right.

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